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Managers do different work than the teams they manage

Last updated Sep 19, 2022 Edit Source

# Managers do different work than the teams they manage

# Concept Description

Managers of teams have a job that is almost completely different from the teams they manage, requiring very different skills. Their major tasks involve resource management, performance management, hiring, firing, and acting as an interface between their team and upstream management.

When considering a career change from individual contributor to people management, consider whether you’d be happy no longer doing what you’re doing now, and doing something extremely different.

# Upstream

Concepts which directly led to this Is management the only way to progress a career

# Downstream

Concepts, thoughts, and questions which are implied by this

# Similar

Concepts, thoughts, and ideas similar in structure, pattern, or topic Considering a Career Path in People Management

# Opposing

Concepts, thoughts, and ideas which seem to oppose the philosophy or action of this Mangers need to be familiar with the skills required by their direct reports

# Sourced From

Managing People is a Different Skill Set Than Being an Individual Contributor