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Management Interviews

Last updated Sep 4, 2022 Edit Source

# Management Interviews

# Concept Description

Brad Pinkston spoke to the parallel between preparing for a management interview and preparing to take a certification exam. There is value in trying and failing to see what the process is really testing for. There’s value in a formal preparation, study, and peer group preparation process along with your manager’s support and sponsorship. Making your intentions known to your managers means you’ll have the opportunity for coaching and development of the skills one needs to succeed at the interview as well as the job. He sees a lot of value in having conversations with others who are in the management position and making a plan to get the management position. That plan could include things like building a brand, formal management training, and opportunities to showcase the skills one would need as a manager. Brad also sees value in doing mock interviews with people who have actually interviewed people for management positions.

When Charlie Nichol knew ahead of time that a manager position was opening up. He got unofficial interviews with the stakeholders before the position even opened up to understand what their expectations from the manager position and to get their blessing to apply.

Interviewing Interview Preparation Managing People is a Different Skill Set Than Being an Individual Contributor

# Sourced From

Episode 83 Episode 84