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Leading without managing

Last updated Sep 19, 2022 Edit Source

# Leading without managing

# Concept Description

While leadership and managmenet are terms that often get used interchangably, they’re not the same thing. Leadership is acting to inspire others, helping others grow, or providing support for others.

Leadership can help gain relationship power.

Management is a job role tasked with managing resources, performance, hiring, and firing of a team.

Managers implicitly have role power over their direct reports.

Good managers will also provide leadership. But not all leadership needs to come from managers.

# Upstream

Concepts which directly led to this Considering a Career Path in People Management

# Downstream

Concepts, thoughts, and questions which are implied by this Relationship Power Role Power

# Similar

Concepts, thoughts, and ideas similar in structure, pattern, or topic

# Opposing

Concepts, thoughts, and ideas which seem to oppose the philosophy or action of this

# Sourced From

Management vs. Leadership