Episode 28
# Episode 28
Welcome to episode 28 of the Nerd Journey Podcast [ @NerdJourney]! We’re John White ( @vJourneyman) and Nick Korte ( @NetworkNerd_), two VMware Solution Engineers who are hoping to bring you the IT career advice that we wish we’d been given earlier in our careers. In today’s episode we discuss asking for more money!
Original Recording Date: 2019-02-26
Topics - Asking for more money as a raise and when you’re being hired
# 4:52 Asking for a Raise
Source: (4 Tips For Snagging More Than A Cost-of-Living Raise)[http://jobs.washingtonpost.com/article/4-tips-for-snagging-more-than-a-cost-of-living-raise/]
Stand Up And Stand Out
Do the job that the next level deserves
How do you know about whether there are different levels of seniority when you’re interviewing?
Balance against exploitation
Make sure you’re taking on work that matters to your management team
Measurable accomplishments
Solicit feedback on tracking towards review/raise periods
This requires planning over the year running up to a review period
Be Assertive
Some managers will only give higher raises when it’s asked for - John’s reaction: Yikes!
Back Up Your Claims
Track your performance to measurable things
Have it a regular topic in your 1-on-1s, so it’s not a surprise
(Manager Tools: Professional Success Section)[https://www.manager-tools.com/map-universe/professional-success]
Prepare Answers To Possible Questions
Document and have it ready
Go over accomplishments before the review period to arm your manager
Include money you made or saved the company to combat “We just don’t have the budget” excuse
Nick points out that documenting extra responsibilities also serves as resume points if the company thinks that your awesome extra effort doesn’t deserve a raise
# 30:42 Negotiating a Starting Salary
Source: (How Much Salary Negotiation Is Too Much?)[http://jobs.washingtonpost.com/article/how-much-salary-negotiation-is-too-much-/]
Respect the Line
Set a Target Range
Do Your Research
Your relevant experience, education, and success stories
Market rate: Glassdoor or other sites
Cost of living
Pay band should have been discussed earlier with the recruiter
Is the negotiation with the recruiter or the hiring manager
When dealing directly with an org
Initial qualification with the recruiter
Final negotiation with the hiring manger
When recruited by a 3rd-party recruiting company
That person is like an agent interested in placement
Then they’re interested in placing at the highest salary possible
Don’t disclose your minimum; They’re not an impartial party in the negotiation
Geek Whisperers Episode 137 – Advice for the Job Hunt with Recruiter Liz Bronson
Be sensitive to making the hiring manager use a lot of political capital to get you your max salary
Should be about your requirements and needs, not ego
John’s anecdote
Can mean your expectations are to out-perform from the beginning
Can mean you’re not getting a raise for a while
Weigh Salary Against Benefits
Perhaps there are things you can negotiate instead of budget
e.g. Vacation seniority
What if their healthcare plan is cheaper than your current one
Are you moving to a lower cost-of-living area?
Are you closer to where you’re going to be working?
Do Not Anticipate A Fixed Number Of Rounds
Getting your number right away isn’t worse than a tough negotiation for it
Don’t presume the first offer is a low-ball
How often has John negotiated his entry salary?