Episode 15
# Episode 15
1:55 Interview Myths
5 Myths About Interviews You’ll Want to Stop Believing
1) Your Interviewer Is Completely Prepared
They might not have read your resume
They might not have the job description
They might not have been trained how to interview
What to do if the interviewer is unprepared
Have an elevator pitch matching your skills and experience to the job description
Have a copy of the job description
Have a copy of your resume
Be ready to answer the questions you wish you were asked (i.e. run the interview)
2) Interview Questions Have Correct and Incorrect Answers
Good questions are designed to elicit more information about the candidate, not have right and wrong answers
Learn to tell your story in a way that’s relevant to the role and company you’re applying to
Listen to the Geek Whisperers Silicon Valley VMUG episodes (two of Nick’s favorite)
IT Pipeline and Hiring for Rapport with Frances Wong – Episode 112
Investing in Career Insurance: VMware User Group recap - Episode 110
Manager Tools / Career Tools (John’s recommendation) - Interview Podcast Episodes
Candidates need to prep for possible questions
3) Let the Interviewer Ask All the Questions
Check out these past episodes:
4) The Most Qualified Candidate Gets The Job Every Time
“Most Qualified” is a subjective thing
There’s no one perfect job and one perfect opportunity
John might have applied to become a VMware SE 8 times
The organization weighs things differently than you might
It’s a hot job market in 2018, so stretch a little
5) Thank You Notes Are No Longer Required
It’s a differentiator
Consider a simple, brief, and polite note
24:02 Boss Problems
Dear SpiceRex: My boss is slacking
Letter writer perceives his boss as not doing his job over the past 3+ years
Averages 25 hours in the office a week
Perceives the boss as manipulative
Department only working because the letter writer and others are working harder to pick up the slack
How To Manage Upward (If You Have A Bad Boss)
Will this article help the letter writer?
Talk to Your Boss to Establish Common Ground
A good relationship with your manager is important
Might not be applicable in this situation
Too late when you’re resentful and want the manager fired
Nerd Journey 012: Effective 1-on-1 Meetings with your Manager and Gracefully Leaving an Organziation
Need to have done the groundwork before this point
Don’t Be Afraid to Voice Your Frustrations, But Know the Time and Place
Nick mentions empathy
Discuss effects instead of perceived causes
Avoid badmouthing teammates and outside influences
Set Up Skip-Level Meetings
Importance of meeting with your manager’s manager / having a relationship with that person
Don’t get trapped into badmouthing your manager
“Don’t Do That”
Maybe if your skip directly asks you to confirm their observation, but even then, stay 100% objective
Skip-level interaction can be informal (break room, casual conversations, some task request interaction)
Probably too late to start this for the letter writer
Create a Career Path for Yourself
Inside or outside the organization
Career and development goals (maybe share with your skip?)
John remembers that he needs to do this
Build a Tier of Support around You
Mentors, sponsors, connections, teammates, outsiders
Sometimes we need a sanity check to avoid gossip
Nerd Journey 007: Professional Networking and Training Revisited
Be prepared to take the advice
Our Actual Feedback on Dear Spicerex
Pause here – what is your advice to the letter writer?
If people ask, answer, “I’m not sure, they’re not here, try calling or emailing.”
Don’t automatically take on something if the person needs something from your manager
Send people up one level (i.e. your skip-level) if needed
Don’t be the hero ( Nerd Journey 011: Questions to Ask in an Interview and Hero Complex)
Don’t speculate about why your manager isn’t available
Clarifying on how to say the manager isn’t around
Don’t passively-aggressively critique your manager by saying they aren’t there “Yet” or “Today”
Re-affirming falling into the Hero Trap
Document how your personal performance is being impacted by your manager’s absence (for your personal performance reviews)
Document how much work you’re doing if it’s work you have to do to back up your manager
Find a new job
The situation is too poisonous to stay in
The organization might be great, but a bad manager represents that being ruined
Find a new job before quitting
The thread has recommendations to document the manager’s shortcomings to get the manager fired
It’s a mistake
It might even get the manager fired
But the outcome still won’t be positive for you
Don’t badmouth the manager, even on the way out
What’s your take on the situation? Tweet at us!
If you’re in a similarly tough situation, we’re happy to be your sounding board