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Developer Advocacy

Last updated Sep 4, 2022 Edit Source

# Developer Advocacy

# Concept Description

A type of work responsibility that entails acting as a two way communication point between developers using a company’s software products and the company’s product management, engineering, and executive teams.

Outbound Advocacy Developer Advocates can act as content developers, documenting best practices or interesting use cases for the product. Developer Advocates can also serve as content presenters at “one-to-many” events such as conferences or media such as streaming video or podcasts. In many ways, the outbound developer advocate can become the face of the company or one of it’s product lines.

Inbound Advocacy Developer Advocates can also serve as the voice of the customer, letting the company’s product management and executive team know what the users of the product are thinking, both positive and negative. A PM team might prioritize features differentl based on input from a Developer Advocate.

Developer Relations Technical Marketing

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