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Climb the Individual Contributor seniority ladder or go somewhere where you can

Last updated Sep 19, 2022 Edit Source

# Climb the Individual Contributor seniority ladder or go somewhere where you can

# Concept Description

In many cases, individual contributors consider a management career because they view it as the only way to progress in their careers. However, good organizations should have a technical career path that allows people to advance in seniority and responsibility without taking on management responsibilities.

An example seniority ladder might be: Engineer –> Senior Engineer –> Staff Engineer –> Principal Engineer –> Distinguished Fellow

If the organization one is in doesn’t have a career path of increasing seniority and pay without taking on management responsibilities, it might be time to consider a different organization, which does. That can mean moving to a different organization with the same job role within the same company, but might mean moving to a different company. This is common in small organizations where increasing seniority and responsibilities might not exist, but can exist in larger organizations where there are no opportunities to move laterally.

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# Similar

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